Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Art of Small Talk

This morning's educational minute was a summary of Keith Farrazzi's chapter in his book, Never Eat Alone, The Art of Small Talk. In this chapter he talks about how important it is to be a good conversationalist when you are at a business networking meeting. As a commercial insurance agent with Wilson, Washburn & Forster and head Florida Technology Insurance I constantly am attending networking events. I find these types very useful in accomplishing my goals at these events.

Farrazzi talks about the main things you need to do:

  • First, give the person a hearty smile. It says, I'm approachable
  • Maintain a good balance of eye contact. 100% = Creepy. Less than 70% says that you are disinterested and rude
  • Unfold your arms, and relax
  • Nod your head and lean in – but not too much where you are invading personal space
  • Lastly, touch people. Touching is a powerful act. Just a little grab on the elbow when you shake hands breaks the gap.

Another aspect of the conversation Farrazzi talks about is developing conversational currency. He recommends doing this by keeping up on current events and cultivate your knowledge of niche interests. This includes specific hobbies like cooking, wine, sports, travel, collectibles, movies, music, ect.

Lastly, Farrrazzi warns not to monopolize the conversation, "share a passion, don't preach it".

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